Code of conduct

It is a tool to help us make ethical business, technical and financial decisions, emphasizing our corporate culture and guiding principles. It applies to all employees and administrators of Gases del Caribe (including members of the Board of Directors), as well as to all the company's contractors and suppliers.

Message from our General Manager

Dear collaborators:

I am pleased to present the Code of Conduct of Gases del Caribe S.A. Public Services Company (“Gases del Caribe”).

Our mission is to develop a management with excellence and responsibility, using advanced technologies that guarantee optimal levels of quality of the products and
services we offer to our clients. We are interested in the benefit of the community and the conservation of the environment.

We believe in our people as an essential factor for achieving the objectives set. For this reason, we promote their comprehensive development and provide them with a work environment
stable, secure and with opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment.

The correct administration of economic resources and the identification of investment opportunities allow us to obtain levels of profitability in
benefit of our shareholders and ensure the permanence and sustained growth of Gases del Caribe over time.

The Gases del Caribe Management is committed to providing all members of the human team with the necessary resources to incorporate the Code into their
daily activities. It is mandatory that everyone read the Code, participate in the training and sign the Acceptance Form. It is equally important that we act
responsibly by asking questions when we have any reason to believe that the Code is not being followed, and the Code Officer has been appointed to do so.
Compliance of Gases del Caribe, whom you can contact when you have doubts or questions regarding the Code.

Ramón Dávila Martínez
General Manager
Gases del Caribe S.A. E.S.P.

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Go to the Ethics Line

ícono de preguntas frecuentes linea ética

Frequently Asked Questions Ethics Line

ícono de código de conducta

Code of conduct

ícono de preguntas frecuentes código de conducta

Frequently Questions Code Conduct

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