
What is the natural gas?

Gas Chain

It is a fuel that in its natural state is colorless (invisible), tasteless, odorless (has no smell) and is non-toxic. A chemical odorant is added to natural gas so that a leak can be detected in the event of a leak.

Natural gas is lighter than air, at the time of a leak it will rise and dissipate in the environment, a characteristic that makes it safer.

Los hidrocarburos que forman el gas natural son en especial el metano (CH4), y en menor proporción etano (C2H6), propano (C3H8) y butano (C4H10). Los otros elementos son el anhídrido carbónico, el sulfhídrico, el nitrógeno, y en menores cantidades agua, helio, argón e hidrógeno.

In June 1973, the most important discovery of free gas deposits was made in Colombia by Texas, which found abundant free gas in the department of La Guajira in the fields of Ballenas (668 G.P.C.), Chuchupa (2,819 G.P.C.) and Riohacha (119 G.P.C.) The magnitude of this discovery definitely introduced the country to the process of developing and using its gas resources on a large scale.

Uses of Natural Gas

Natural gas is the cheapest fuel for domestic use. It is important to note that the price of electricity is approximately six times higher than natural gas.

The value of the monthly invoice is only paid after having used the service. Natural gas can be used in the home in many ways, such as:

  • Food cooking
  • Water heating
  • Clothes drying
  • Gas central air conditioning

Non-Residential Use

  • Cooking in restaurants, bakeries, etc.
  • Motors for irrigation systems (Agribusiness).
  • Laboratories, colleges and universities.
  • Ironing systems in textile industries.
  • Power generation and cogeneration systems.
  • Fuel heating.
  • Sterilization of hospital equipment.
  • central air conditioning systems

Distribution network

De las estaciones de regulación y medición, se transporta el gas por tubería de polietileno de media densidad con tamaños acordes a la necesidad del consumo, el combustible. Estas tuberías llegan a bordear todas las manzanas de los barrios cubiertos por el gasoducto urbano. Para la conexión de un usuario se instala una tubería que parte del anillo hasta la entrada de la vivienda, en donde se empalma con regulador de presión y un medidor y desde allí se conecta a una tubería (instalación interna) que conduce el gas hasta los puntos de consumo en la edificación.

Urban gas pipelines are very safe, since all the pipes are installed at an average depth of 80 centimeters and the gas flow is controlled by means of valves that allow it to be suspended in the event of any leak.

Adicionalmente, sobre el recorrido de las tuberías se coloca una cinta plástica preventiva a unos 40 centímetros debajo de la superficie, la cual evita que usuarios y otros servicios públicos puedan averiar la tubería.

¿How does the pipeline work?

Natural gas is extracted from the ground of a deposit located in La Guajira by producers such as Chevron-Texaco and Ecopetrol; it is transported by the companies Promigas and Transportadora de Gas del Interior (TGI) to the cities through pipelines. These pipes must be supported in such a way that movements between the pipe and its supports that could affect it, such as scratches, abrasions, cuts or punctures, are avoided.

Once the gas has been transported, it is received at the entrance of each city in a station. Gases del Caribe has three main types of stations: reception stations, district stations and industrial stations. The first two are installed to receive natural gas destined for a distribution network, while the industrial ones supply customers with higher consumption.

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