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Services for Industry

Get to know the procedure to have easy access to our services.

We have 50 years of experience, expert and qualified personel, who garantee the correct provision of the following services for the industry.

Types of industrial users

Regulated user

Customer who consumes up to 100,000 pcd or its equivalent in m3, measured in accordance with the provisions of article 77 of CREG Resolution 057 of 1996 and those that modify or replace it. For all intents and purposes, a small consumer is a regulated user. The value of the gas rate is regulated by law. The service to be contracted includes supply, distribution, transportation and technical assistance.

Unregulated user

Customer who consumes more than 100,000 cubic feet per day or its equivalent in m3, measured in accordance with the provisions of article 77 of CREG Resolution 057 of 1996 and those that modify or replace it. For all intents and purposes, a large consumer is an unregulated user. The value of the gas tariff is not regulated by law and is agreed by means of a bilateral contract in which the user can hire the services of supply, transportation, distribution and commercialization of natural gas placed at the factory gate.

Request advice for the supply of industrial gas

Stages of requesting a service

número 1
ícono de evaluación

Evaluation of the service request

Gases del Caribe will study your service request and provide a written response as part of the acceptance of gasification for your industry

número 3
ícono de contrato

Registering the service

After the design is approved, the quote is prepared to later make the payment and fill out the following forms.

número 5
ícono de certificación

Certification and commissioning

The user is gassed according to the required specifications

ícono de balanza

Request Feasibility

Once you have been contacted by Gases del Caribe, file the feasibility form.

número 2
ícono de planos

Design and quoting

With the information provided
by the client (blueprints, technical sheet, among others) and the visit made by Gases del Caribe to the property where the service is required, the design of the charge for connection and internal network is processed.

número 4
ícono de ajustes

Execution of the installation of the service.

The execution dates of the installation are coordinated in conjunction with the client.

número 6

Request the gas service for your industry

Service request stages

Frequent questions

1. After I request the service, how soon do they contact us and schedule a visit?

Gases del Caribe, within a maximum of 48 hours after receiving the service request, will schedule a visit together with the company in order to determine the technical characteristics of the natural gas installation necessary for the provision of the service according to the devices or equipment of gas to install itself, will request plans and other necessary documents.

2. How long does Gases del Caribe deliver the design and quote for the requested service?

Gascaribe will perform in a maximum period of 15 business days the design based on the information and documentation provided during the visit, after the design has been approved by the user, the service is quoted.

3. What are the documents required to hire a natural gas connection service?
  • Service provision contract (Signed).
  • Promissory note (fill out header depending on whether you are a natural or legal person) (Signature and Fingerprint): scanning on both sides, in case of financed sale.
  • Financing format (fill out header depending on whether you are a natural or legal person) (Signed), in case of financed sale.
  • Authorization Form for the processing of personal data (Signed).
4. How long does it take to install the requested service?

After legalizing the sale, in a period of less than 45 business days, Gases del Caribe will install the natural gas service through qualified and certified personnel.
